About Us
Reliance Services LLC PI Licensee #PDC002617 | 4426 Hugh Howell Road Suite 216 Tucker GA 30084 | 678-699-3116

About Our Investigators
Our Atlanta Private Investigators at Reliance Group LLC stand on 30 years of professional experience and expertise in law enforcement and investigations. Founded by a former Treasury Special Agent, Reliance is committed to serving the needs of the client in compliance with local, state, & federal laws. Reliance Services LLC is CJIS (Criminal Justice Information Services) and TECS (Treasury Enforcement Communication System) trained.
Reliance has the experience and know how to get the job done. Professionalism, experience, and service you can rely on. Review our resume below.
Financial Investigations
Tax Fraud, Criminal / Civil Asset Forfeiture Law, Money Laundering, Wire Fraud, Mail Fraud, Currency Investigations, Account Analysis, Public Corruption, Transaction Reconstruction Pre-litigation Support, Litigation Support, Heirs Searches, Income Concealment Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Investigation Mortgage Fraud, Records Search and Compilation, Records Analysis, Hidden Asset, Consultation, Report Preparation, Civil Record Searches Bankruptcies, Vendor Fraud, White Collar Crimes, Court/Trial Preparation, Jury Pool/Jury Investigation, Insurance Fraud, Workers Compensation
Help with Elder Abuse
Many older people are victims of elder abuse. It is the mistreatment of an older person, usually by a caregiver. It can happen within the family. It can also happen in assisted living facilities or nursing homes. The mistreatment may be
§ Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
§ Neglect or abandonment
§ Financial abuse – stealing of money or belongings
Service of Process | Skip Tracing
Skiр Tracing Investigations in Atlanta, GA, iѕ a process whereby реорlе whо hаvе gоnе missing аrе located and traced. Mаnу timеs реорlе gо miѕѕing because оf bad dеbtѕ, crime or crimes thаt thеу might hаvе соmmittеd, mеntаl illnеѕѕ оr bесаuѕе оf fасing аbuѕе at hоmе. They аrе thеn lосаtеd by ѕkiр trace tесhniԛuеѕ, which are mаinlу used by private investigators, роliсе dеtесtivеѕ, аttоrnеуѕ and journalist аnd don’t forget thе dеbt соllесtiоn соmраniеѕ. Rеliаnсе Grоuр LLC Skiр Tracing Invеѕtigаtоr in Atlаntа, GA, helps to lосаtе thе miѕѕing реорlе, lосаtе a possible witness, locate lifе insurance bеnеfiсiаriеѕ, lost friends оr еvеn a lоvеd one.